<-- IMPORTANT NOTE 1: Each line starts and ends with an "&" sign. These "&" signs ALWAYS need to be there--> <-- IMPORTANT NOTE 2: Make sure the 4 files, namely index.html, beach.swf,photo.jpg and content.txt are uploaded together and put in the same directory--> <-- You can change the color of the template to match your own color scheme or corporate identity by entering the desired hexadecimal values.--> &buttoncolor=333355& &slogancolor=DD4411& &maincolor=331155& &animtransparency=100& <-- Enter up to 30 characters for your "company name"--> &line1=Beach Flash Template& <-- Enter up to 40 characters for your "slogan"--> &line2=Get your own great Flash website& <-- Enter up to 15 characters for each button label. You can create up to 6 buttons. If you want to use less buttons you must leave the unused ones blank, e.g. "&header6=&" --> &header1=Hello %26 Welcome& &header2=HTML instructions& &header3=Color instructions& &header4=Other instructions& &header5=Purchase& &header6=License& <-- You can enter your email adress here, if you leave it blank no button will be rendered--> &email=mailto:sales@triplew-communications.com& <-- You can also jump directly to another HTML page when the visitor clicks on a button. To do this enter only http://www.yourdomainname.com instead of any other text. In case you want to change the default targetframe of these external links you could set the line below to _self --> &targetframe=_blank& <-- We recommend you enter up to 100 lines of text for the body content. You may add more text, but the program will need more time to display all the text--> &content1=Now it's really easy to get your own Flash website.
Just buy a template and replace the text and colors. Changes are made in the text file using Notepad, and are immediately updated.

the most affordable and easiest way to create Flash sites!

This page is where the content of your first page goes. Just type your own text and use HTML tags to change the font type, size and color, make text bold, put line breaks, and use hyperlinks. You can make paragraphs by putting two line breaks or just pressing enter. This Template was developed by the maker of two other Flash template-based products: Mix-FX and Anim-FX. With those tools anyone can create their own Flash text effects for intros, banners, splash screens and buttons. Your text can run longer than this and does not have to fit in this box. Users can easily scroll down with the scrollers at the right hand side of this box.& &content2=As you have seen in the Hello %26 Welcome section you can do some text HTML formatting. We stress that this HTML formatting is optional and you can also simply type your text without any formatting at all. For those who want to add some HTML formatting we have come up with the instruction below. Of course, you must take a peak at the textfile to see the respective HTML code. BTW, this is a great way to learn the basics of HTML programming! Size:
Now it's really easy to get your own Flash website Color:
Now it's really easy to get your own Flash website Font:
Now it's really easy to get your own Flash website Center alignment:

This is how you center your text

Right alignment:

Right align your text


Click here to visit a website Bold:
Now it's really easy to get your own Flash website Italic:
Now it's really easy to get your own Flash website Paragraph:
Just click "Enter" or type 2 breaks in HTML code New line:
Just add one break Special character %26:
%26 That's all there is to learn. Now that you know the basics, here are some combinations you can make with these HTML tags.

the most affordable and easiest way to create Flash sites!

Any questions? Send us a mail at

& &content3=You can change the color of the template by entering the respective hexadecimal color codes in the "supportcolor" and "maincolor".
To give some ideas about the hexadecimal codes if you are not familiar with them, they always consist of six alpha numeric characters and run as follows 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. Take a look at some of the samples of basic colors below. #FFFFFF = white #000000 = black #FF0000 = red #00FF00 = green #0000FF = blue #FF00CC = purple #555555 = grey & &content4=You can replace the picture at the top right corner with your own picture. All you need to do is to replace the photo.jpg with another JPEG picture of 160 pixels x 160 pixels. If you don't want a picture at all you can simply remove it and it will not be displayed. Uploading is a breeze. Just copy and paste the 4 files - index.html, blob.swf, photo.jpg and content.txt - to your server. That's all. Please note that you cannot change the name of the text file or jpg file. The next time you want to update the content of your site you simply update the text file only.& &content5=This template costs only US$27. If you want to buy this template please click on the BUY button at the top of this page and you will be brought to our secure payment transaction page. After you have made the purchase, we will send you the licensed version of the template which comes without the big "buy" and "easytemplates" buttons.& &content6=http://www.easytemplates.com/license.html& <-- IMPORTANT: DO NOT CHANGE, DELETE OR ADD ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE OR THE WEBSITE WILL NOT WORK --> &license=After purchasing any template from EasyTemplates, the purchaser will be granted a single end user license which allows the production of a single website using the template. Any use of a template for any other purpose than set out in this agreement without prior written agreement from Triple W Communications will be considered a breach of these user terms and conditions. Triple W Communications retains the right to take lawful actions to settle any license breach, in order to protect its interests and the interests of its license holders. Uses and purposes considered a breach of these terms and conditions are set out on our website at http://www.easytemplate.com/license.html. Terms and conditions for web developers for third party users are also set out at http://www.easytemplate.com/license.html Email any questions regarding any licensing questions to support@easytemplates.com.& &loaded=1&